Bright! FRONTEO Official Blog

Bright! FRONTEO Official Blog

[3/26 14th Fraud Countermeasures Study Session] Preparation for responding to whistleblowing - Response to “relief application type” reports and fact finding

2024/ 2/ 8

In recent years, there has been a rise in awareness of what whistle-blowing systems should be and how to deal with them, and while the direction in most cases is becoming clear, if you are the victim of fraud yourself, the structure becomes a counter-organization. We tend to act passively out of fear. In this study session, we will welcome attorney Masayuki Yamada from the Masayuki Yamada Law Office, and based on his extensive practical experience, we will discuss how to remove concerns in dealing with whistle-blowing and to view the whistle-blowing system positively. Please explain in detail.


【Webinar Summary】

[Date and time] November 2024, 3 (Wednesday) 26:15-00:16

[Format] Free Zoom webinar (Zoom URL will be sent after application)

[Participation conditions]
We kindly ask that you refrain from applying if you are using the free address, if you are in the same industry as us, or if you do not know your affiliation.When accessing Zoom on the day, please enter your name and email address that you entered at the time of application in the entry field for Zoom participation.

Representative of Masayuki Yamada Law Office
Attorney, New York State Bar
Masayuki Yamada
Joined Nishimura Tokiwa Law Office (currently Nishimura & Asahi Law Office/Gaikokuho Joint Venture) in 2005, and became a partner at the same firm in 2017. Established Masayuki Yamada Law Office in 2023. Experience of having been involved in the field of corporate scandal response and compliance for many years, and observing various organizations from inside and outside as a member of a company's compliance committee, reward and punishment committee, whistleblower reception desk, third party committee, etc. have.

Deputy General Manager, Business Intelligence Business Headquarters
Certified Fraud Examiner
Tetsuya Hayakawa

1995Tokai Bank, Ltd. (currently Mitsubishi Bank)UFJBank). After joining the company, he was in charge of companies listed on the First Section of the Tokyo Stock Exchange (at that time), foreign companies, and medium-sized small and medium-sized enterprises, mainly in the manufacturing industry. He has also held positions in charge and manager positions in multiple planning departments, as well as manager positions in branch and branch office guidance.2017Appointed branch manager and branch manager in XNUMX.2022Co., Ltd.FRONTEOJoined , and supported customers' risk management and business problem resolution as deputy general manager of the Business Intelligence Business Headquarters.
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