FRONTEO Group Human Rights Policy
Commitment to respecting human rights
FRONTEO Group (hereinafter referred to as the "Company Group") provides solutions to resolve various social issues, including human rights issues, under the corporate philosophy of "realizing fairness in the information society." As a company that aims to contribute to society through its business activities, we recognize that respecting human rights is an important social responsibility, and we believe that respecting the human rights of all stakeholders involved in our business activities is essential, and have established the FRONTEO Human Rights Policy. It has been enacted.
By complying with this policy and promoting initiatives to respect human rights, we will contribute to the realization of a fair world where no one is left behind.
Respect for international norms
Our group understands and respects internationally recognized human rights, such as the International Bill of Human Rights, the International Labor Organization's (ILO) Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work, and the Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights. and fulfill our responsibilities as a company.
Scope of application
This policy applies to all officers and employees of our group. We also expect our business partners to support this policy and respect human rights.
Initiatives to respect human rights
Our group does not tolerate discrimination or disadvantageous treatment based on race, religion, nationality, origin, gender, gender identity, sexual orientation, age, disability, etc., or harassment, and we do not accept discrimination or disadvantageous treatment based on race, religion, nationality, origin, gender, gender identity, sexual orientation, age, disability, etc. We provide equal opportunities for all employees, including salary increases, promotions, and promotions to positions.
Our group regularly provides education on respect for human rights to executives and employees in order to deepen their understanding of human rights and increase effectiveness.
Continuous implementation of human rights due diligence
Our group will appropriately implement human rights due diligence in order to prevent and reduce negative human rights impacts through our business activities.
Human rights governance system
The Group regularly reviews human rights risk assessments at its risk management committee, whose members include directors, including outside officers, and auditors, and strives to prevent and reduce risks.
Information disclosure
Our group will disclose our efforts based on this policy through our website and other means.
relief and redress
If our group causes or facilitates human rights violations through our business activities, we will take appropriate measures and strive to correct them.
[FRONTEO Group's individual initiatives]
“Commitment to respecting human rights”
Our group uses advanced information analysis technology that utilizes our proprietary artificial intelligence (AI) engine "KIBIT" to realize a fair world where people can find necessary and appropriate information in various fields and to solve social issues. I am contributing.
In our AI solutions business, we are developing a system that can detect signs of human rights issues such as abuse and bullying. We also provide solutions to detect various types of harassment such as power harassment and sexual harassment.
In supply chain analysis in the field of economic security, we provide solutions that allow us to confirm connections with companies that are concerned about human rights violations, taking into account forced labor and unfair surveillance as represented by UFLPA (Uyghur Forced Labor Prevention Act), etc. I am.
“Initiatives to respect human rights”
In order to prevent human rights violations, the Group has established internal and external reception desks for whistle-blowing, and employees who report to these windows are advised not to suffer unfair personnel or other disadvantages as a result of their reporting. Protect against. In addition, consultations and reports received at the contact point are also reported to the Board of Corporate Auditors, ensuring transparency and responding sincerely to problem resolution.
In addition to sending messages from top management to eradicate harassment, we conduct human rights awareness and harassment education once a year for all executives and employees.
As part of our work environment monitoring, we check the number of overtime hours worked on a monthly basis and take steps to correct long working hours. Additionally, we conduct stress checks once a year for all executives and employees.
“Continuous implementation of human rights due diligence”
We conduct regular screening checks on our business partners every year, and if any concerns are identified, we will consider canceling the transaction.
“Governance system regarding human rights”
Every year, we regularly conduct interviews with related business departments to identify risks, discuss the scope of their impact, and the likelihood of their occurrence, and assess their importance.
In addition, the Risk Management Committee, whose members include directors, including outside officers, and corporate auditors, deliberates on the details and evaluation of risks, as well as prevention and mitigation measures.