When was the company founded?
It is August 15, 2003.
Please tell us the origin of the company name FRONTEO, the meaning of the logo, and the corporate philosophy.
Corporate Philosophy for more information.
Please tell me when and why you changed the company name.
As of July 2016, 7, the company name was changed from UBIC Co., Ltd. to FRONTEO Inc.
Immediately after its establishment, the Company has been developing its business centered on the e-discovery business as "UBIC Co., Ltd.", but in the fiscal year ended March 28, 3, it was 2 In addition to the acquisition of the company, (XNUMX) commercialization in growth areas utilizing original technology cultivated through litigation support, (XNUMX) humanoid robot Kibiro equipped with artificial intelligence engine "KIBIT" We have made major changes such as development.
This change in trade name clearly points out the intention of a company with the value of creating the "future of people and society," and the group as a whole will promote the improvement and transformation of brand value on a global basis. It is something to do.
Please tell us your future management strategy and vision.
CEO message for more information.
Please tell us about the background of the president.
Directors and AuditorsPlease refer to the biography from.
Please tell us about your business.
We are developing the following businesses by applying data analysis using our in-house developed AI engine "KIBIT".
- Business Intelligence Business: Artificial intelligence (AI) -based solutions that support management decisions that lead to improved business productivity and business success
- Life Science AI Business: Cross-sectional analysis of various structured and unstructured data existing in the medical / nursing field, and research and development of artificial intelligence (AI) for that purpose.
The detail is Solutions for more information.
Please tell us the history.
History for more information.
Please tell us about the group companies.
The main domestic and overseas subsidiaries are as follows.
FRONTEO USA, Inc. (New York, USA)
FRONTEO Korea, Inc. (Seoul, South Korea)
FRONTEO Taiwan, Inc (Taipei, Taiwan)
PCFFRONTEO Co., Ltd. (Minato-ku, Tokyo)
The detail is Domestic / overseas bases for more information.
Please tell us about FRONTEO's superiority in the legal tech AI business compared to other companies in the same industry in the areas of international litigation and forensics.
The following six features of FRONTEO.
- We have our own AI engine "KIBIT", and we have a development team and a laboratory that continuously work on improving accuracy and efficiency.
- By utilizing the AI review product "KIBIT Automator", it is possible to provide document reviews that have relied on human wave tactics at a speed several times faster than before, and the time and cost to disclose evidence have been greatly reduced.
- We provide a one-stop service that utilizes technology and know-how, and even customers with little discovery experience can perform everything from data collection preparation to post-event AI compliance solutions.
- We have a cloud system dedicated to in-house discovery in Japan together with backup equipment (DR) to ensure data security.
- We can handle everything from data preservation to analysis and submission format creation work in Japan.At the same time, we have operation bases in Asia and both east and west banks of the United States, and can support local branches, subsidiaries, and law firms of global companies locally.
- We have equipment that can perform high-precision analysis using AI not only for English but also for Asian languages, and a data scientist who is in charge of analysis.
The detail is Legal Tech AI Page for more information.
What kind of artificial intelligence is KIBIT?
"KIBIT" (read: kibit) is a mathematical approach that combines the Japanese word "subtlety", which means the subtle movements of the human mind, and "bit", which means the smallest unit of information, to understand human subtleties. FRONTEO developed in-house as an AI engine that
Using algorithms that enable advanced natural language processing or network analysis, we work in various fields such as international litigation, fraud investigation, intellectual property strategy, risk prediction, CX improvement, drug discovery, medical DX, medical equipment, and supply chain analysis. It contributes to the efficiency and sophistication of the process and supports the judgment of experts.
The detail is Artificial intelligence "KIBIT" for more information.
Please tell me the supported languages of KIBIT.
It is possible to analyze Japanese, Chinese, and Korean as well as English.
The detail is Artificial intelligence "KIBIT" for more information.