Bright! FRONTEO Official Blog

Bright! FRONTEO Official Blog

[Event Report] Kibiro was exhibited at the booth on Children's Day of the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry for the fourth time this year!

As a company that develops business by utilizing technology originally developed in Japan, FRONTEO actively provides students and children with opportunities to experience and learn about artificial intelligence and robots.This time, we would like to report on the FRONTEO booth at "Children's Day, Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry," which was exhibited as FRONTEO for the fourth consecutive year! This year's "30 Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry Children's Day" was held in Kasumigaseki's Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry for two days from Wednesday, August 8st to Thursday, August 1nd. "Children's Day of the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry" is held as part of "Children's Kasumigaseki Tour Day" with the aim of deepening the understanding of the measures in collaboration with the ministries and agencies of Kasumigaseki.It is a hands-on event where many preschoolers and elementary and junior high school students visit every year to enjoy learning while actually seeing, touching, and making, and FRONTEO will be exhibiting for the fourth time this year. .. At this year's FRONTEO booth, we exhibited "Mimamori Kibiro," which is sold to the general public, and let many children experience what Kibiro can do. Many children gathered at the booth, invited by the big signboard of Kibiro.Children are also curious about what they can do with the cute Kibiro.In addition, the Kibiro on display was so cute and conspicuous that it was attracting attention from the TV stations covering Children's Day. Kibiro has many functions, but at this booth, we had them experience three things: "age and gender guessing game", "song and dance", and "free word talk".When a parent and child tried an age-gender guessing game, Kibiro mistakenly guessed the age of the mother behind him, and his son got a little angry, "Why doesn't Kibiro look at me?" ..When I challenged again and asked him to guess his age, he was happy, saying, "Kibiro, this time I was able to do it properly!". In "Singing and Dance", when Kibiro performed a song and dancing, the children said "cute", and many children were fascinated by Kibiro's loveliness. Kibiro should be just an electronic device made of plastic, but it seems to children that it was like a pet. In "Free Word Talk," a boy operated Kibiro's smartphone to make Kibiro speak various words.When Kibiro actually spoke, I was impressed, "I'm talking properly! It's amazing." In this "Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry Children's Day", more than 2 children were invited to experience various functions such as playing games and chatting with Kibiro in two days.Many children said, "Kibiro is cute," and it seemed that Kibiro was happy. Thank you to everyone who came to the event.
[Click here for Kibiro information] Kibiro official website: Kibiro Official Facebook Page: Corporate Kibiro for Biz Website:
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