Bright! FRONTEO Official Blog

Bright! FRONTEO Official Blog

FRONTEO AI Tech Conference 2020 held

The in-house conference "FRONTEO AI Tech Conference (commonly known as FREATEC) 12" was held on December 8th (Tuesday).

At this event, members selected from each department of FRONTEO will share the latest knowledge and innovative technologies and know-how, and employees will deepen their understanding of their technology beyond the boundaries of regions and business divisions. It is the purpose.We commend technological assets that can provide excellent business solutions to customers from the perspectives of marketability, discrimination, challenge, and whether they lead to BKM (Best Known Method).This time, which was the first time, presenters from 1 departments took the stage, and all employees including overseas subsidiaries watched the pattern by online distribution.

The presenters and each presentation are as follows.

Six presenters who took the stage.From top left to bottom right, in order of presentation
(Bat-Leah only online from the US)

Lilith Bat-Leah (FRONTEO USA)
 “Various approaches for introducing clients to KAM* 1"

Anitha Henderson (Legal Tech AI Business Headquarters)
 “KAM's value in real-life cases: hints for sales”

Motofumi Itawaki (Product Development Team, Institute of Behavioral Information Science)
 "Takumi KIBIT"

Hiroyoshi Toyoshiba (Life Science AI Business Headquarters)
 “World's first natural language AI medical device;
   Dementia diagnosis support system ”

Kazumi Renko (Research and Development Team, Institute of Behavioral Information Science)
 "Toward the realization of" AI Only Review "-Implementation and prospects for KAM-"

Toshiyuki Nishino (Customer Success Department, Institute of Behavioral Information Science)
 "Monitoring solution for pharmaceutical guidelines"

As a result of the examination by the director, the FREATEC Award, which is equivalent to the highest award, is "the world's first language-based AI medical device.* 2: Toyoshiba, who announced "Conversational Dementia Diagnosis Support AI System", received the award.

CEO Morimoto (right) presents a certificate of commendation, trophy, and prize money to the winner Toyoshiba

Masahiro Morimoto, CEO, said, "We would like to establish FRONTEO BKM, which will eventually become the industry standard in all of the technologies, data science, operations, consulting, and communication that make up FRONTEO. It is extremely versatile and has solved or will be able to solve the customer's serious problems. The operation should be the one that our technology leads to the maximum value creation for the customer. Furthermore, it should not lead to the improvement of the system. I hope that FREATEC will continue to be a place to produce FRONTEO BKM in the future. "

FRONTEO will continue to study daily to develop new technologies and improve skills, and create high-quality solutions that maximize the optimization and efficiency of our customers' operations.


* 1 AI review tool "KIBIT Automator"
* 2 If FRONTEO's conversational dementia diagnosis support AI system, which is currently undergoing approval procedures, is approved as a medical device, it will become the world's first linguistic AI-based medical device.

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