Bright! FRONTEO Official Blog

Bright! FRONTEO Official Blog

Online lectures for students of the University of Tokyo graduate school

On October 2020, 10, Hiroyoshi Toyoshiba, CTO of Life Science AI, gave a lecture to about 2 students of the Graduate School of Frontier Sciences, the University of Tokyo.

This lecture was conducted as part of the intensive seminar "Knowing the field of research and development-what you need to know before career design".In this seminar, life science students will listen to the stories of leading researchers in the field about the actual state of research and development in companies so that they can consider their careers as researchers with a wide range of options. The purpose is to acquire an image.At the request of Professor Shingo Kano (Medical Information and Life Sciences, Department of Bio-Innovation Policy), who is in charge of the seminar, the stage was realized.

The theme of Toyoshiba's lecture is "Artificial intelligence and future medical care-what natural language analysis brings to the medical field", the market transition and main functions / classification of AI, an overview of linguistic AI, and our life science business. Explains the use of AI. Efforts to solve Japanese medical issues such as fall prediction of elderly people using AI and dementia diagnosis support, and social contribution through research and development and business developed from it, using drug discovery research support as an example Discussed.

From the audience, "How unique and advanced is the use of AI in natural language in the medical field?" "Is the image of FRONTEO's vectorization technology more advanced than Word2Vec?" Questions such as "Is Amanogawa compatible with Japanese papers?"

In addition, Professor Kano mentioned in the lecture."Amanogawa" Academic PlanHe was interested in the possibility of using it in his "Medical Innovation Bird's-eye View Exercise: A bird's-eye view of the research field and clarifying the position of his own interests in the world".

In research and development, not only the discovery and construction of innovative technologies and substances, but also how to implement them in products and systems and provide them to society is an important key.I hope that the students who will lead the future will work on research and development with flexible ideas and create products that will bring about change in society.

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